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buildings with a hundred floors,
spinning 'round revolving doors.
baby i don't know where they'll take me.

entries about chat links

Music and books are my life.
Back to blogging 8D
Wednesday, October 24, 2012 // 5:11 AM

... What the title says. xD I'm probably going to spazz in here... pretty soon.

Thursday, June 7, 2012 // 5:25 AM


NOW Copy & Paste the following, erase my answers, and put in yours!

1. What was the first Kpop song that you've heard?

DBSK - Purple Line.

2. What was the first Kpop band you liked and still do?

Super Junior.

3. Who was your first bias ever in the Kpop industry?

Kim Jaejoong.

4. What is your current favorite Kpop boy band?

OTL So hard. Uhm.. EXO :3

5. What is your current favorite Kpop girl band?

Easy. f(x) :DD <3

6. 3 current favorite Kpop songs?


Tons of EXO songs, SNSD and f(x)'s songs.

7. All time Kpop song for you?

I cannot pick one ;____;

8. 5 current bias (girl band or boy band)?

Boy band: Chen, Lay, Myungsoo, Kai and Baekhyun.

Girl group: Krystal, Tiffany, Chorong, Naeun and Gayoon.

10. What comes to mind when you hear the word "KPOP"?

Just talented, talented people and awesome songs 8D

So... this is it? XD


I Resemble...
Wednesday, June 6, 2012 // 11:10 AM

So I was reading Chazzie unnie's blog and I saw this, so I thought I might as well do it xD
Credits; Midnightsapphire @ AFF.

Kim Taeyeon.
[x] You're a very childish, dorky person.
[x] Your favorite season is winter.
[ ] You're the leader-type.
[x] You love gummy bears.
[x] Your parents are very supportive of you.
[ ] You're on the short side.
[x] You keep a lot of secrets from your friends, because you feel you would burden them.
[ ] You didn't play with dolls as a kid, but instead, robots, tops, and cars.
[ ] You talk in your sleep.
[x] You have bad memory.
Total : 6 / 10

Jung Jessica.
[x] You cry when you're angry. [ Not all the time, but yeah xD ]
[x] You appear cold at first, but you're actually very sweet.
[x] You would choose sleeping over eating.
[ ] You are dreadful in the kitchen; you can't cook at all.
[ ] You're from the USA.
[ ] It's VERY difficult to wake you up, and you treasure your sleep time immensely.
[ ] You're popular to the boys/girls.
[ ] You can play soccer well, and also a bit of boxing.
[x] You have a bad temper. [ But I hide it most of the time ._.v ]
[ ] You have a younger sister, and you don't think you're a very good older sister to her.
Total : 4 / 10

Lee Sunny.
[ ] You're scared of fireworks.
[ ] You enjoy video games and sports.
[ ] You're one of the shortest people.
[ ] You have a lot of aegyo.
[ ] You hate your name.
[ ] You mumble like a puppy in your sleep.
[ ] You love sneakers, and prefer them over any other shoe.
[x] You're unorganized, and your room will often be messy. [ I like organizing, but I swear, my room will get messy in a few days xD ]
[x] You haven't had your first kiss yet. [ Duh. ]
[ ] You can't cook very well because you're scared of fire and knives.
Total: 2 / 10

[x] You're the youngest among your siblings.
[ ] You cry a lot.
[ ] You're obsessed with the color pink.
[x] You clap your hands when you laugh. [ Most of the time :3 ]
[ ] You usually get what you want.
[ ] You're scared of ghosts.
[ ] Your voice is very loud, and can be heard over loud music.
[x] You're scared of babies/kids. [ Well not scared, but is very awkward with them Dx ]
[x] Your charm and your weakness is your liveliness.
[ ] You're kind to everyone, even people who dislike you.
Total : 4 / 10

[ ] You're very honest and quirky.
[x] You don't like bothering others with your problems/feelings.
[x] You're obsessive about cleanliness and hygiene. [ but can't even keep my room clean xD ]
[ ] You would give up a career for love.
[ ] You make jokes out of lots of things.
[ ] You're a talented dancer.
[ ] You're one of the most athletic people out of your friends.
[x] You're an independent person.
[x] You hate when people sleep with their mouth open.
[x] You love fast food, but try not to eat too much of it.

Total: 5 / 10

[x] When you're focused on something, you don't pay attention to anything else.
[ ] You have a habit of slapping people.
[ ] You act feminine when guys are around, vice versa.
[x] Not good at math.
[ ] You have a lot of guy friends, and used to/are tomboy-ish, vice versa.
[ ] You love playing pranks on your friends.
[ ] You're very flexible.
[x] You're like the lawyer of your friends because you always need to have your say first.
[x] You like to make things clean/organized.
[ ] You're scared of elephants.
Total: 4 / 10

[ ] You eat, on average, 6-7 times a day.
[ ] You've never had a boyfriend/girlfriend.
[ ] You're a gamer.
[ ] You're the tallest out of your friends.
[ ] You seem to be intimidating, but you're actually quiet and obedient.
[x] You're a friendly, cheerful person.
[x] You feel that you're not beautiful.
[ ] Your motto is: "Let's not procrastinate."
[ ] You're a fan of Harry Potter.
[x] You invent cute nicknames for people.
Total: 3 / 10

[ ] You're considered the prettiest out of your friends.
[x] You seem quiet and hard to approach, but you're actually quite friendly.
[ ] You're the strongest--physically--in your group.
[ ] You love roller coasters.
[x] You have a unique laugh.
[x] You're a free thinker.
[x] You don't know how to swim.
[ ] You're the queen/king of midnight snacking.
[ ] If you're upset, you'll voice it out.
[x] You like ballad songs the most.
Total : 5 / 10

[ ] You love eating sweet potatoes.
[ ] You're very skilled with the piano.
[x] You wake up when someone turns on the lights or calls out to you.
[x] You like books and enjoy reading.
[ ] You think guys/girls are gross.
[ ] You're fond of wearing headbands.
[x] You love listening to classical music, or nature's sounds.
[x] If you're angry, you'll stay quiet.
[ ] You're an only child.
[x] You're very polite and obedient.
Total : 5 / 10

I resemble..............

Milford Sound in New Zealand

Taeyeon unnie the most! 8D

Book haul? xD
// 9:00 AM

Well.. as promised, here I am, going to talk about books :3

I always loved reading, but never bought any books since 3 or 2 years ago ):

What are the reasons?

Well my parents are too busy to bring me book shopping and of course, the money :/

But thank God, I can buy books again! With patience, of course. And the power of online shopping!

I saved up my pocked money last month and bought a total of 6 books.

6. freaking. books.

I've never bought that much books in a time, I swear. So it was super exciting for me :3

Oh and the day the books were suppose to arrive. I felt like a little girl again. Not that I'm that old, but you know. Mweheh.

And now I will show you the books that I got!

Milford Sound in New Zealand
1. Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow? by Claudia Carrol.

I love love love love this book! Just finished reading it today, and again, I LOVE IT!

Perfect Chemistry
2. Perfect Chemistry by Simone Elkeles.
I haven't read this book yet but am very excited and I've heard nothing but great things about this book in the booktuber community at Youtube too!

Milford Sound in New Zealand
And last but not least, The Vampire Diaries volume 1-4. I bought the box set btw :3

It includes;

- 1. The Awakening.
- 2. The Struggle.
- 3. The Fury.
- 4. Dark Reunion.

So it all totals up to 6 books altogether~ *le happy nerd*

Oh which reminds me! I am going to do a 6-months-book-challenge starting from June to December.

...well it might not be like a real challenge since I don't think I'm setting a goal or the quantity of books that I have to read during the period. (TBH, I just wanted to see how many books I can read within 6 months. xD)

I'll be posting and updating the challenge thingy in my new book blog, which will be up very soon, hopefully.

This is it for now~ I'll be back. Trust me 8D

// 7:28 AM

I just went through my old posts and wow Aini, you're such a weirdo. xD

// 7:23 AM

So... it has been a long time since I posted anything.

And by a long time, I mean a looooooooooong time.

Seriously XD Look at the last post, it was July 2011 and it's June 2012 now.

I've been too lazy, obviously. But I'm back now! and with a new, well not really new, but it's pretty much has been rekindled (?) xD

I LOVE READING AGAINNNNNNNN~ *runs around, all giddy*

So... expect a post about books very soon.


Sunday, July 24, 2011 // 7:02 AM

Annyeong! :D
It's been a while, obviously xD
I didn't know what to really write or rant here, I guess words just can't come out? keke.
. . . man my back itches =.="
SERIOUSLY. IT ITCHES. And I just showered -.- What's the difference when even after showering, my back still itches. Meh, nvm.
. . . And I got nothing to say now. -.- great, aini. just great.
I. . . should go to sleep soon. My eyes were red at 9 something, but I wasn't sleepy or anything.
. . . Now that I thought about it, I am starting to get sleepy.
OMAIGAWD. again.
I hope I can survive tomorrow. Been absent for 2 days and none of my friends told me the exact homework and sh*t. Wish me luck. I don't wanna die yet T.T
OHOH. It's been raining this weekend, LOVED IT~ Basically cuz it's all cold and nicee~ Not to mention that the water in my bathroom is cold tooo! :DD
Seriously, if you're someone who has A/C in your room/house, I envy you so effin' much.
I just love the thought of snuggling my pillows in like, cool temperature. Not room temperature :/ And I bet my pillows and blankets would be cold too! Just like when we stayed in a hotel that has A/C rooms xD
This post is so random -.- I should stop.
OHOH, MY MUM BOUGHT ME A NEW BAG!! It has Minnie and Mickey Mouse, and an apple thingy with some straps(?) I think. The colour's brown and white~ I love itt! Thanks Ma~ (:
Weellll. I should stop now. Byebye~ <3